LAMP is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, originally coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and Perl/PHP/Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server.
The exact combination of software included in a LAMP package may vary, especially with respect to the web scripting software, as PHP may be replaced or supplemented by Perl and/or Python. More recently, it has become popular to replace Apache with Nginx. Additionally, Javascript has grown from a simple client-side technology into Industry standard client system architectures and application servers.
The development philosophy and tool sets are shared and developed in close conjunction. The software combination has become popular because it is free of cost, open-source, and therefore easily adaptable, and because of the ubiquity of its components which are bundled with most current Linux distributions. When used together, they form a solution stack of technologies that support application servers.
ActivLab has designed, developed and continues to host quite a number of complex Sites and Applications for the Web using LAMP technologies. Here are some recent examples:
Dr. Lucie Hemmen, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience working with adults, young adults, teens, and couples. Dr. Lucie specializes in parenting, anxiety, teenagers and young adults, and has written four best-selling books:
Parenting a Teen Girl, The Teen Girl Survival Guide, The Teen Girl Anxiety Survival Guide and The Teen Girl’s Survival Journal.

Goody Sound – Recording Music and Voice in Oakland, CA. for over 25 years.
With a Grammy nominated staff and the highest fidelity recording environment in the San Francisco Bay Area Goody Sound is well equipped to handle any type of media project you can imagineer.
From Voice Localization to Corporate Training videos, from Pop Music to Halloween Werewolves, Goody Sound continues to produce the music, sounds and soundtracks you have known and loved for decades.